Friday, November 16, 2007

Monkey See Monkey Do

Monkey See Monkey Do, originally uploaded by ~*~ Jennifer ~*~.

Like father - Like son. Dan can be seen here doing his stretches for his plantar something or other (how ever you spell it -- it's painful).

Wayne loves his Daddy. Can you tell -- he wants to be like him so much.

When Dan comes home from work, if Wayne is not napping -- he'll always have a gloriously enthusiastic welcome home!

When Wayne wakes up in the morning -- one of his first questions usually is, "Where Daddy." Then I say at work, then he'll say, "Oh yeah!", and grin.

My son chooses his role models well.



  1. Plantar fasciitis? I agree...seriously painful. I feel for him!

    Very cute pictures!

    I have to ask tho...does Wayne EVER wear clothes?? Isn't it cold there???


  2. See my post about Stoking the Fire - our house is perpetually toasty! He is always disrobing. Warm blooded little bloke, I guess.


  3. love that picture...I always let mine run around in diapers a lot too. Might as well be free while they can.

  4. Here I sit again -- gazing at Wayne -- AS HE TAKES OFF HIS SHIRT... I swear... he has clothes... but they are just spread out across the room. LOL!


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