Monday, November 26, 2007

Another Favorite Blog (or two)

I was reading through some blogs today -- and I found the one of the blogs I read regularly, is really inspiring. I can't believe all the hard work she does and it makes me want to get up off my toosh and DO SOMETHING!!!

She seems to make everything she does look beautiful -- even her chicken coop. LOL

She is a precious lady in real life -- so as you read her blog -- imagine her "voice" to be sweet and beautiful! Her kids are adorable too... :D

The Beginning Farmer's Wife. Check it out!!

Her husband has a blog too -- although I'm not a regular reader -- your dear husbands might enjoy it. LOL He has a good post about the movie King Corn! (Which I had never heard of until I read his blog - Thanks Ethan). The director of the movie even goes there to comment on it on his little old blog! Wow -- impressive Mr. Beginning Farmer! The Beginning Farmer (they have coordinating blogs -- how cute!!) °Ü°


  1. Jennifer-
    You're too sweet! Thanks for the plug. If I ever need a reference for a job, can I call you? :)

    Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving. We'll see you Wednesday!


  2. I loved looking at your blog and reading your thoughts. Hugs..

    Daisey (Kirstin)

  3. Found you thru Boomama and went off to see Beginning Farmer's Wife. Thanks for the tip, another blog I add to my must-see blogs. I went to see Beginning Farmer--- I think I'd recommend him to a farmer friend of ours.
    I like what I have read so far at your blog, I will be a constant reader.


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