Tuesday, January 1, 2008

In 2008 I will...

Molly Randolph over at Homeschool with Index Cards has a great freebie right now. An index card that you can use to write your goals for 2008 on. You can print it out and store it where you will see it often. Then keep your goals in the forefront of your mind and be diligent at working on them regularly.

She uses Mark 12.30 as the main verse, then she makes her goals using 4 different themes. Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength. I'm going to copy after her. ;)

  1. HEART Think right. Keep my heart free from sin. Phi 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
    I need to finish reading Loving God with All Your Mind, by Elizabeth George.
  2. SOUL Read through the Bible in 90 days.
  3. SOUL Find an accountability partner for my spiritual life. I'm hoping to use my prayer partner that I'll be getting through Faith Baptist Church in town. I'm praying for my prayer sister already. God knows who I need as a partner.
  4. SOUL Mentor my children with their devotions and their walk with God. Start good habits at a young age.
  5. MIND Read a "thoughtful" book each month. I read enough of fiction. So this must be history, or a "better myself" type book.
  6. MIND Write a handwritten note to a 1 friend a month.
  7. MIND Start school for self.
  8. MIND Keep up with school for kiddos.
  9. STRENGTH Stick with good eating habits. Try cooking South Beach-ish each month.
  10. STRENGTH Develop and stick to a regular exercise routing. Finish a 5K this year by doing Couch to 5K in the Spring.
  11. STRENGTH Get weight down below obesity level. I'm only 5'2", so I'll let you figure that out.

OK -- there ya go. I've got some goals... let's all pray I meet them this year. ;)

Happy 2008!


  1. Those look like great goals! I read through your post from yesterday as well and saw that you did GREAT in attaining success on your goals for 2007! I think it is good to set our goals high enough so that we can't reach them easily, but not so high that we aren't able to make significant advances. To reach some and to move forward with others is so much better than setting no goals and not growing as a person or as a Christian. Every New Year's Eve since Jim and I were married 23 years ago, we have sat down together and then with the children as they came one by one, and written down all the ways the Lord has blessed us in the past year. We then read through our goals from the previous year, followed by a time where we discuss what to set as a theme for the coming year. Then we set goals for each one of us and for the family as a whole to work on throughout the coming year. We commit to pray for and encourage one another with our goals througout the year and we post them inside the most-used kitchen cupboard so that we see them often. We never achieve them all, but we do see significant growth from year to year and that encourages each of us.
    Oops! That comment got a little long! Happy New Year!

  2. Great goals! I like #6. and #7. a lot. :D

    I've never done New Years goals. This year I'm planning to read the Bible in a year....but I'll likely fail sometime in the next 72 hours. I should probably think of a Plan B huh?

    Happy New Year Jennifer!

  3. Loved this post...great to pray over goals for the year! I am totally into that...but will make no resolutions! I enjoy your blog very much.

    Happy New Year!


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