Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dr. Laura about home schooling.

My kids are probably not the best example of well socialized home schooled children -- they sort of take after their parents... whom some of which... are not the most socially acceptable people on the face of the planet. BUT... that opinion aside... I like what Dr. Laura had to say in this article about Home Schoolers and socialization.

Yeah -- interesting reading. Now -- I'm going to go fish my kiddos out from the basement for a little socialization training. They MUST look me in the eye or else they don't get any free time... and it's back to the grind stone. Oh my word!!! I'm just kidding!!

I will admit that I've had this conversation with 1 non home educating parent. I said, "I don't even WANT my kiddos socialized to today's standards. I prefer the Laura Ingalls Wilder manners and social skills, if you must know." Several other government school moms were sitting by and they agreed with me -- laughing a little. But one mom -- she said, "You don't live in that day in age any more. That's not possible."

Who says?? I'm gonna try!

AND -- one more point I wanted to make to that mom... but didn't think of it until too late (that comes from my lack of social skills, I think -- I'm always thinking of something to say AFTER the fact)... she said, "My kids learned how to read when they were 3, by not challenging them in a public school setting you are holding them back." HA! I say (now)... you are REALLY a home schooler and you are probably holding YOUR kids back by putting them in a public school system. If her kids learned to read by the age of 3... who taught them to read... SHE did... and now -- they are all getting straight A's... they have MAXED the public school system out. How thrilling would it be if she would keep them at home... they would SOAR! It would be so exciting to see how MUCH they could learn at home... but she wouldn't believe me if I HAD said that. She was a staunch public schooler... poor kids. They are missing out.

Anyway... how did I get on that topic? I'm a little scatter brained today. Must be that public schooling I'm putting to use.


  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I am glad you didn't answer back to that Mom. The chasm between your lifestyles is too great. She would never understand you!

    My children, ages 20, 17, 11 and 10, are downstairs watching a movie together right now. I can hear them laughing. If that makes us weird (and it does!), I just smile at that and feel so blessed!

    One or another of them will be going their separate way soon enough. I would not give back one of the days we have had together as a family.

  2. Thanks for linking that article! Great stuff.

    Yep, sounds like that lady found that homeschooling DID work best, she just didn't realize it.

  3. I haven't read the article but I will sometime soon--I just wanted to say that one of the reasons I chose to homeschool was because of such positive SOCIAL experiences with homeschoolers. I taught high school for a few years before having children and one of my all time favorite students had been homeschooled until his junior year. He was respectful but at the same time totally comfortable interacting with an adult. He had NO classroom skills but what he lacked in that area was more than made up for in being such a good, nice but still "cool" kid. I know all homeschoolers aren't like that but many are. They've had the chance to be around adults without considering them the enemy to be avoided.
    Of course, I am constantly telling me kids--"if a grown up speaks to you, talk loud and look them in the eye, and give more than a one word answer!"

  4. Social "skills" are best learned in company of people who are not constantly snarky, mean, belittling, bullying, snobby jerks. In other words, anywhere but in a public school.

    And I enjoyed ps. But not those parts of it. :-p

    And if thinking of a good comeback after the fact shows lack of social skills, than nobody has them ;)

    I will read the article now :)

  5. Good thoughts! I got my funniest comment EVER yesterday, "How do you prepare your kids for things like getting kick me signs put on their back?" A friend who was with me responded deadpan, "Don't worry, we put kick me signs on her kids' backs regularly." I almost spit out my iced tea....


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