Saturday, May 24, 2008

Movie Meme

I saw this on

Tending and Training in the Deep Weird

and decided to play. :)

1. One movie that made you laugh:
Napoleon Dynamite

2. One movie that made you cry:
Facing the Giants

3. One movie you loved when you were a child:
The Wizard of Oz (OK -- that's the only one I remember as a child)

4. One movie you’ve seen more than once:
Pride & Prejudice

5. One movie you loved, but were embarrassed to admit it:
Evan Almighty

6. One movie you hated:
Larry the Cable Guy: Git-R-Done

7. One movie that scared you:
Children of the Corn

8. One movie that bored you:
Lord of the Rings

9. One movie that made you happy:
Wives & Daughters

10. One movie that made you miserable:
Saving Private Ryan

11. One movie you weren’t brave enough to see:

12. One movie character you’ve fallen in love with:
Mr. Darcy

13. The last movie you saw:
One Night with the King

14. The next movie you hope to see:
Prince Caspian

15. Now tag five people:
Anyone that wants to chime in…feel free.


  1. Oh, I can't believe LOTR bored you!! I love them! hehe

    I will do this!! :)

  2. It might have been the TIME I was watching them... I fell asleep during EVERY SINGLE ONE... Those were our date night movies... some date I am. LOL


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