Thursday, August 16, 2007

Would You Look at THIS!!

Guess what the mail man brought today?!!?

My books that I won from Life As A Momma. (She has a hilarious post today about her baby and a sippy cup b.t.w.) Ü

Woop Hoop!!

I feel like such a winner today. I'll list them - smallest to largest - because that is how they are stacked here on my desk.

1. A Daughter's Quest, by Lana Nelson Dooley
2. The Edge, by Catherine Coulier
3. Sense and Sensibility, by Jane Austen
4. 50 Harbor Street, by Debbie MacComber
5. On Wins of Deliverance, by Elizabeth White
6. Tides of Mont St. Michel, by Vercel
7. Resistance, by Anita Shreve
8. Sunsets, by Robin Jones Gunn
9. Vanity Fair, by William Makepeace Thackeray
10. Candy and Saturday Night, by Block & Kuhl
11. The Plight of Mattie Gordon, by Jeanne Marie L
12. Plantation, by Dorothea Benton Frank
13. The Wedding Caper, by Janice A. Thompson
14. Reaching the Left from the Right, by Curtis
15. Venus Envy, by Shannon McKleden

So which one should I read first??

I am so thankful for my box o'books. How cool is that? See -- I knew she had my address! ;) Thank you so much for the box of books!

Hooray!! What a day!
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  1. Cool beans!!! I'd have a hard time choosing what to read first too.

  2. So glad the books got to you! I hope you enjoy all of them!


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