Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Home School E-Store

I have listed links to the HomeSchool e-Store a few times... with out realizing something. I can get credit for referring you there. SO -- if you want to check out the Homeschool e-store... now is a good time to do so -- by clicking on the link on my side bar panel thingy. (I'm so blogger savvy). LOL

There will always be the "free thing of the week" listed there... but if you are there browsing and you went there through my link -- I'll get some credit. Woo Hoo!! Love free credit.

And it really is a neat store!! I've gotten a few good deals through them. LOVE IT!!

Click Away


  1. Hi Jennifer,
    I had to delete one comment because it said the name of my husband's company and the other one the commenter deleted, but it does look a bit scandalous huh?

  2. "trailer park coffee drinker"...you crack me up! Since not being able to justify Starbucks, I've been buying the Folger's Select espresso and it is quite good. Unfortunately prices on everything are going up. Guess we'll have to adjust hu? Is a move really in your future?

  3. hey - i really need your address to send you the prize you won over at my blog. if i don't have it by tomorrow afternoon (saturday), i'm going to have to draw a new winner... i'd like to get these out of here.


  4. hmm.... i haven't received an email. are you sure you're sending it to "lifeasamama at gmail dot com" ?

    let me know if you try again and it doesn't go through - or if you feel comfortable, you could post an email address in a comment on my blog and i can try emailing you...

    i'll definitely save these books for you - i just wasn't sure if you were still interested!

  5. Great post and I enjoy their free weekly downloads.

    Have a wonderful weekend!


I love commentors!!