Friday, July 25, 2008

Cost of BabySitting

Dh and I rarely pay a babysitter.

When ever we do we are so like this...

DH:"what did you earn when you did baby sitting?"

ME:"huh?? that was 20 years ago?"

DH: "what do your friends pay their baby sitters?"

ME:"I have no friends who pay baby sitters."

DH: silence

ME: "What do your friends pay baby sitters?"

DH:"I have no friends."

ME:"Are our kids HARD -- does she deserve more then normal? There are so many of them."

DH:"I wonder what normal is."

Akkk... Since we have no idea what to pay -- we never leave the house alone.

Until NOW!!!

I am so excited... I can't wait to go on a date -- NOW that I know what to pay a babysitter.

You TOO can leave the house alone -- after you use the BABYSITTER RATE CALCULATOR!!

It is pro-rated by your zip code... how many kidlets you have, and how old the sitter is. You can also throw in curve balls like TWINS!! My friend has twins... I bet she has to pay more...

So -- what's your going rate?

Mine is $6.

I wonder if I can afford to leave the house alone.

Let's just say I go to Des Moines - I live 1 hour from there. Woah.. that's $12 to drive there and back.

Eat supper -- 1 hour -- $6

Watch a movie -- 1.5 hours... brb... Yeah, I thought so. $9

HEY!!! Is that $27?? We'd better not doddle while we are driving home. Can't afford to go parking. LOL Oh SHUT UP... you do too know what parking is.

PLUS the cost of dinner/movie/fuel. Yeah -- dream on... I guess I'll be grabbing my hubby, NETFLIX it, pop some corn and grab my broom for banging on the ceiling and telling the kids to KEEP IT QUIET UP THERE -- I'M ON A DATE!!

HOLY COW!!! I just put my sister's zip code in there -- :dead faint: (this is Jennifer's blog... she will resume blogging when she regains consciousness.)


  1. 16.25---ha! WHATEVER

  2. holy smokes!!! we must be the town cheapskates!! Good thing we know some "volunteers"

  3. or maybe we just need to move back to my hometown where the going rate is $8 an hour less

  4. WOW 13.50 an hour. No wonder I don't go anywhere.

  5. Which sister's rate made you faint? Hopefully not mine. You've certainly got me curious. My guess is $6 for my two children. We shall see.

  6. YOURS -- but I have 5 kids compared to your 2... I really wouldn't be able to afford to go out if I lived in Kansas City...

    BUT -- then you would "volunteer" for me wouldn't you? LOL I'd bring you home ice cream, or something.

    I think even Genell's was cheaper. I bet Claudia's would be high. Funny thing... Loveland was the same as mine.

  7. We have actually never paid for a babysitter. How crazy is that? Why pay when you've got grandparents begging? :)

  8. WHAT??? $11.50!!! I ONLY have 3 kiddos! That is insane!

  9. Wow! Mine says $11 an hour. I pay $6 to $7. :P


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