Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wayne Turns 3

Wayne and his Grandma Leora. He was happy -- she brought treats. Gum... his favorite. I let him chew it all up that day -- we don't like gum stuck in our carpets... do we Wayne?

And chocloate stripedy cookies. Yum...

3 year old Wayne and his daddy!

Wayne and the crew. Some of his gifts he got for being another year older. I don't have any more babies... do I? Why does it take a photo on the blog to make me realize that? Awww...

Wayne and his Mum. He'll always be my baby... no matter how big he gets. I can still tackle him and kiss him!
Happy Birthday Buddy!

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  1. Happy Birthday, Wayne!! I love those stripey cookies!

  2. Oh my heavens. I apparently do too. Several times over. Tori was wondering where all the stripey cookies went. I have the right to remain silent, so I did. °Ü°

  3. Happy Birthday to the little guy. How does it happen that they turn three so fast??? He sure is cute.

  4. Happy Birthday Wayne!

    Gabby enjoy his size while you can. My "baby" is now close to six feet tall--six inches taller than his dad!


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