Sunday, June 22, 2008

Season's Over

This was our first year for little league.

What fun we had.

Mansel was on a rookie league - the Marlins. We didn't understand that the teams were named after professional teams. So Mansel brought home this hat with an F on it -- we thought -- Oh... Fish? A Marlin is a fish right? LOL Yeah -- we figured it out -- FLORIDA... Florida Marlins.
Mansel sure loves baseball. He'll be going out again next spring, the Lord willing. He can't wait to be in the Minor league -- they keep score and you can get out. The REAL thing.

Tori started out on the Diamondbacks. That's a snake... we never did figure out where her team was from. I'm sure if I googled it -- I'd learn. But it wasn't that important to us. She practiced for 1 month then played for several weeks with this team. She was put on a rookie team as well. But -- since she is 12 -- she finally figured out this softball stuff... she really started to play at HER level... not the 7 and 8 year old level. So -- they moved her up to the MAJORS. Totally skipping the minors. She ended up doing really well. Her final game she had 3 runs batted in (RBI - right?). I really enjoyed watching her learn this game and excel at it. She won't be playing little league next year because she turns 13 in a few weeks... and that's the limit. You can be 13 if your birthday is after December. She will be 13 BEFORE December... so this is it. I'm so glad we got her in! I think in the long run she will to.

And finally Milo. He played t-ball for the river dogs. So -- who can tell me where the River Dogs are from. LOL

He LOVED practicing and playing baseball. We were so glad when his season was over. Whew... t-ball is boring... if you aren't playing it. Ü We also decided that he will be our last t-ball player. We'll wait until they are old enough for the minor league.

Finished. All did really well. Tori exceptionally so -- Her league has a tournament. She was fornutnate enough to get placed on a good team. The Angels were the league champions. What fun to watch. It's always fun when you are winning. Ü

I learned a lot.

Now we'll stay home. We were going to town a lot -- now we'll stay at home and relax. For a little while.

1 comment:

  1. Cute kids-baseball and softball can be great fun!


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