Friday, February 21, 2014

The Worst Thanksgiving Dish I have Ever Had

Really - if anyone is cooking for me, I generally appreciate it.  Most thanksgiving dinners I've ever eaten, have been cooked by someone else.  It's going to be hard to pick a worst, because I like other people's cooking.  A lot. 

Some of MY OWN cooking that I haven't really appreciated have been boxed dressing.  Gag a maggot.  I hate the taste and the smell of dressing.  I think it's the sage.  I once found a box of corn bread dressing - oh heaven's to Betsy- I love me some corn bread - but it smelled and tasted just like sagey dressing - yuck.  In the bird, out of the bird, it's all the same.  Yuck.  So... sorry - if I offended anyone.  It's not you - it's me.  I'm picky.  Especially when it comes to sage, apparently.

I look forward to Thanksgiving every year - I must say.  It's the one holiday where I get to be with extended family.  I love my extended family.  Mom, Dad, Sisters, Brother-in-laws, nieces, nephews... mostly nieces.  My nephews live far far away and don't come to Thanksgiving - but it's the best I can get Thanksgiving.  One of my most favorite times of the year.  So if I must eat dressing - I will.  Over and over again - just to get to be close to my family. 

I read this paragraph to my daughter - and she said dressing?  You don't like dressing?  What kind?  Ranch?  I thought... hmm... why am I calling it dressing?  What do you call it?  STUFFING?!  Which is it at your house?  They are both the same thing - stuffing get stuffed generally, but we rarely stuff it.  What ever you call it - you can have it and mine too.  :)


  1. Usually use the terms "dressing" and "stuffing" interchangeably. I enjoy cooking thanksgiving dinner very much. Good post. -Derin Beechner

  2. We call it dressing, but my side of the family stuffs it. We always have called it dressing.


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