Friday, October 2, 2009

Do Not Call

Just a reminder...

We recently got a new home phone number.

This winter when Dan's hours got cut we tried to find ways to cut spending. So we decided to eliminate our home phone and the internet and only use cell phones. WELL... IowaTelecom came out with a great deal. $30 for high speed internet and a free home phone line. Crazy cheap, if you ask me.

So we are reducing our cell phone minutes and getting internet at home again.

With this new home phone number came TELEMARKETERS!!! It was amazing how soon they started.

You know -- you hear the weird pause... then they start talking a mile a minute before you can hang up on them.

With one young man this week I said, "Are you a telemarketer?"

He replied... "Well -- sorta."

I said, "Oh, you know I'm not interested."

He replied, "Yeah - I know," and laughed. I laughed with him and said, "I'm sorry."


So I came looking today for the "Do Not Call Registry"... found it... thought I'd share it. It's permanent now... remember it used to be good for only 5 years. Well -- now it's! Poor guys...

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I am so happy to hear that they stay on the list forever now. I didn't know that.


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