Saturday, October 10, 2009

Are we HomeschoolED or HomeschoolERS?? You decide

My friend AMBER (who is a Public School Teacher) says, "You mock yourself... so we feel free to do it too."  (or something like that).  I think we are HomeschoolED...

But will you let me know if we are HomeschoolERS!!?? I have a few friends who may buy our coulottes and camo from us.


  1. ROFL! Too funny thanks for sharing! I'm going to say my kids are homeschoolED!

  2. I saw this video on FB and it cracked me up!!! I like to think that we are pretty normal people and not weird homeschoolers...

  3. That is too funny. She is excellent.

  4. Love it Jen. I would definitely say your kids are homeschooled. They are a joy to be with and can carry on conversations with my kids and myself. I have seen them in more than tennis shoes and I don't think I have ever seen them in coulottes, (sp?). Even if I had I would still say they were cool because I had to wear them until I was in middle school. Becky B.

  5. Ha. The still looks like she's flipping us the bird. I never noticed that.


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