Tuesday, October 6, 2009

1989 CHS Football Team Remembered

I must confess... when Dan starts talking about his
football days... my eyes glaze.

Oh come on... am I the only wife that does that?
In fact -- I've been known to call my dear husband Al Bundy.

Friday -- I got an education on my husband's football career. His team in 1989, was the first team to get the the State Champion play offs for his school. The First EVER! Wow... how exciting. "they" say that their team lit a fire and started a tradition of excellence in football at Chariton. How cool is that?

1989 Chariton High School Football Team Honored from Jennifer J. on Vimeo.

Friday we went as a family to the CHS Homecoming Assembly, where the team was honored, then we went to the parade, then ate dinner with the team mates who came back home to remember, and then on to the football game. One of the coaches said he will get out the 1989 tapes to show the current team, so they can see what it takes to be a winning team.

I'm glad they kiddos got to see their dad in his prime. Honored, remembered, lauded, praised! What fun. The video is long, but it's mostly so his kids and I can remember this day.

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