Monday, February 12, 2007

Riding In Tandem

I don't have much time this morning... but someone posted this on HearthKeepers this morning -- I pray you all will take the time to read this blog.

Riding in Tandem

Excellent Read!

I think I may subscribe to that blog. I just happened to pick up a book at our church library last night called Don't Waste Your Life. Have you read it yet? I'm about to start -- hope it's not a waste of time. (OK -- that was just a joke)...

Gotta scoot... the kiddos are awake and ready to start the day!!


  1. Don't Waste Your Life is a great book. You'll appreciate John Piper's straightforward writing style.

    Your 2007 Garden sounds wonderful.
    We pretty much always grow the same things. This year I want to add a few herbs, I'd never thought about growing garlic. We eat a lot of garlic.

    Happy Snow Day,


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