Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Google Quote of the Day

Santa Claus is clearly what Jesus would be if he was real. Nobody would ever consider nailing this omnibenevolent deity to anything, would they? Nor does he hold anything against you longer than a year. - Steve James

Woah... LORD -- please bring someone into this man's life that can show him that Jesus Christ is real! Show Mr. James his need for a Saviour! Thank you Lord for the reminder that there are those who are LOST -- they are LOST and heading for a very real eternal hell. Thank you for the wake up call today. Oh me...

I clicked on the link to read more about Steve James, and it lead me to the place that google gets the quotes about athiesm. There are 24 of them. I guess I'll have 24 more opportunities to Praise God that I haven't been deceived. 24 more chances to pray for our godless world. 24 more changes to give thanks to our God for sending His Son to die on the cross for my most horrendous sins, and wash me as white as snow, spotless, never to be returned to that state again. Thank you Lord!

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I love commentors!!