Monday, July 8, 2013



eMeals is saving me a TON of time and energy!!

I use it to Aldi!  Classic meals.  My kids are eating most of the meals they recommend.  We are trying new things even.

They really are easy and delicious.

I have taken a part time job in the evenings - to help pay off Dan's credit card.  Tori has helped me a LOT with the dinner meals -- and she can follow the directions.  She can pick which meals she wants to cook and always knows the ingredients will be available because I used the eMeals list to do the shopping!

It's a great thing... call me at 641.820.1168, if you want to hear me rave about it!!

I used a coupon code to get 20% off a 1 year subscription - be sure to google eMeals coupon before you buy!!

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