Saturday, November 14, 2009

Knoxville Public Library

Can I say... that our small town KNOXVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY is really fairly decent??

It is!!

I often read blogs.  I have a cousin who recommends good books on her blog... she lives in a big city.  Well - really more often then not our little library has the books she is recommending.  Like Three Cups of Tea, they have it.  Zookeeper's Wife, it's there. 

And NOW -- on my favorite message board ever, someone recommends Wednesday Letters.  I have not read it -- BUT I SOON WILL BE -- because it's on hold for me at the Knoxville Public Library.  How COOL IS THAT!!??!!  Speaking of being on hold.  Did you know you can go to their web-site... find a book, place it on hold, they will find it for you, call you and you can come pick it up after you check it out.  AND... if you are a slow reader... or life starts going in fast forward and you haven't even read the books you checked out two weeks ago, you can RE-NEW them on-line.  There should be no reason for library fines.  LOL  I keep telling myself that as I pay my library fines.  I'm a loon. It's a fantastic service, if you ask me.
Thank you Roslin Thompson, Director, and all your fellow booky friends at the Knoxville Public Library... you are doing a great job!  Keep up the good work.

Come on Knoxville Friends -- give them a friendly shout out!  °Ü°  Let's hear it for the K.P.L.!


  1. Another reason I like your blog so much--who can't heart someone who gets that excited about a library??? I am also in love with my library system. We have the same online service and I use it ALL the time. The workers at the library know me and my children by name because we are in there so much.

  2. Thanks for the compliment. We're here to help.


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