Friday, October 26, 2007


This camera has an AUTO -- but if you want to have fun, it has some creative modes. I was practicing with those this morning... in the wee hours of the day...before the sun came up.

I can take a photo of my toe and it will be B&W, but my pink toe nail polish will still be pink. It's called color accent. Oh me.. won't that be F.U.N.

I was taking photos of my light switch, my book case, my couch... I can't wait for the kiddos to wake up...

WAIT -- I'm supposed to be folding laundry and packing to leave town... SIGH!!

I guess I'll put my toy away and go get ready. Guess what I'm taking with me!! MY CAMERA BOOK... and my camera. ::tee hee:: I'm giddy with joy!

RACHEL - this camera is so much fun so far!! I really like it... I'll give it a real critique after I've used it for a month or so... I'm sure I'll be more or less enthused buy them... after the newness wears off.

So for now... go hug your kids!!

1 comment:

  1. A new camera...
    such fun!
    Mine is a Canon...a Rebel xti.
    Mine does not have color accent,
    (I don't think.)
    That seems wonderful!
    Post some pictures with that wonderful feature!


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