Thursday, May 31, 2007

I'm experimenting...


I've signed up to use the Picasa2... Googles' photo holding place.

I clicked on the above photo -- and said "BLOG THIS", and it brought me here.

Nice photo of my little cowgirl -- isn't it. Sigh... she's only 11 and she already thinks I'm an idiot. Too bad... I was hoping we'd be like the Maxwells -- whose kiddos love their parents. Or the Pearls... who kiddos adore their parents. Sigh... Won't heaven be great!! ;)
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  1. That's okay. When I come for a visit the girls can sit on one side of the room and compare notes. We can sit on the other side of the room and plot against them. Look out Iowa HERE I COME!

  2. HA! Yeah!!! I'm not alone! ;)

  3. No, you're not alone! You made me laugh! I love the Picasa program. It makes it so easy to put photos up, especially for a computer illiterate like me.
    Weren't you on HK?

  4. love that look! *snicker!*

    your teapot is on the way, i'll PM you on HK with the gory details

  5. Yip.... no words needed with that expression!!!!!
    I downloaded picasa, I need to find out a little more about it..... sounds quite nifty!


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