Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bicycle Built for Two

Grandpa Phillips has a tandem bicycle.
Some of the kiddos really enjoy riding it with him.
Others not so much... this ride with Dani didn't last long.

But this ride... could have have gone on and on and on...

I'm so glad the kids love spending time with the grandparents!

Thanks so much grandparents!

Bicycle Built for 2 from Jennifer J. on Vimeo.


  1. You don't ever SEE Wayne running... but you can hear his footsteps. ahhh... the sounds of kids playing. One of my favorite sounds.

  2. Loved the sound of the little feet. Loved the fact that our Dad still rides a bike. Loved the smile on Milo's face at the end. Loved the fact that you love your kiddos so much.


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