I have a tip.
My sisters and I recently did some candeling. That reminds me a bit of cow tipping - but it isn't quite the same.
We have done this candeling twice. Both time I really haven't had much evidence of wax. I do believe I am a wax producer. Some of my kids sure are. My tip? I put a bit o'soap in my ear. Just use my big fat fingers and rub it in a bit - then I turn my head to the side and let a hard stream of water shoot right into my ear canal. I even put my wooden clompen on I get it so far down the canal.
I think that is helping keep my ears free from wax build up.
When is the last time you candelled, or cow tipped?
276 people read this blog - and not a one commented on it. Amazing. LOL I think there are a lot of candlers out there. Don't be shy! Stand up - be recognized.