Saturday, December 31, 2011

36 in 366

I go to a message board on-line... love it there.

I have been challenged by a friend to do 36 projects in 366 days (LEAP YEAR remember)... so - here is my list.  It's not in order, because I sorted it AFTER I wrote it.  LOL

Do you make lists?  Today is a good day for that - I'm going to start on this tomorrow!

What do ya think?

1. Lose 5 pounds per month for 6 months.
     Exercise using RUSHFIT with 1 day of rest - follow schedule posted on fridge.  Have time scheduled after devotions.
      Carbohydrate Counting - grocery shopping done for January.  Will make a food schedule to follow - figuring carbs 12/31 for each day, will alternate every other day schedule.
      Number the water bottles - 5 for each day... save and refill each night before bed.
     Going to sleep in work out clothes!  (HA HA... Dan doesn't like this one - he said.)
     Need to find hand weights and put them all in the basement.

2. Stick to our church's bible reading plan. 
     OT 1/2 way through, NT through once (for 2 years - to complete the Bible in 2 years).
        Make book marks for Sunday School Class...
      Going to do this during BIBLE class time at home - going to listen to it on with kiddos.

25. Hand write a letter to family members 1 x per month.  

23. Buy Christmas gifts all year long, be done before Thanksgiving for PHILLIPS side.
     G&G Phillips

     G&G Johnston

24. Pick 2 chapters from the Bible - and memorize them.
finish Psalm 34
new one

3. Stick to School Schedule for 8 weeks with out cheating - then re-evaluate.
Jan 3 - Feb 27; with out cheating means no computer for entertainment until 2:30 p.m.

28. Get a passport.
     need it by June

29.  Schedule hair cut before June. 
      LeAnn at Exsolance

31.   work on Little League Fundraiser 
     Order envelopes now
     order catalogs - March 1
     get order forms now
     create "prize" sheet on other side - create instruction insert
     order magnets
     start making samples of SOTM at beginning of delivery month (April?)
     have enough labels

32.  Work on Little League signs and t-shirts in JANUARY! get instructions
     start making phone calls

33.  End of March - get Tori a Manicure, before trip in April. 

35.  Project list for summer 2012. 
      11 weeks - 11 projects; June, July, August
 1. clean classroom
2. organize entry way
3. clean dining room
4. organize kitchen
5. latrine
6. organize den
7. deep clean living room
8. stairway/hallway (including linen closet) & laundry room
9. master bedroom
10. powder room
11. guest bedroom

36. Discuss Thanksgiving with family before July 

4.  Organize Scentsy side of the class room.
    warmers on shelf, bars in containers (get lids for transporting), put bags in drawers, sample making "area"

5. Finish LibraryThing.
     Get all books put on computer, label all books, print off list and find missing books,

6. Jump Rope for 3 minutes straight.
    wrestlers can do this for 8 minutes, great cardio work out, just regular old jump roping... nothing fancy

7. Organize boys clothes.
    they seem to always struggle with getting their clothes put away.  I hang up Wayne's clothes... but Milo and Mansel stuff... train them to put away folded... maybe put them away in outfits?  Fix Mansel's cupboard.

8. Paint boys bathroom.

9. Paint living room.

10. "hang" clock in living room & "hang" saying above TV in living room
     after painting living room - put the "uppercase living" stuff on the walls... is that what it is?  the rub on sticker things

11.  take photos off of the computer and put on picaboo

12. Paint sayings on bedroom walls.
     some sayings in the one thousand gifts book are very appropriate for my bedroom

13. Read 6 Ambleside Online books.

14. Make monthly menu for winter/summer seasons. (21 meals a week).
     going back to once a month shopping - per dh's request

15. Print "school" photos for dining room (8x10).

16. Order sister photos from Studio 92

17. find a place for Scentsy meetings to meet.  Schedule it for the year.

18. Keep up with "school" blog.

19. Keep written "tax" stuff organized.  Start Tax Deductable folder.

20. Set up a Scentsy calendar of monthly "duties".

21. Set up the Scentsy newsletter for team.

22. name team

26. Get Birthday "stuff" for Young Ladies Sunday School class.
     start with cards

27. Find where to order coffee for the machine in S.S. Class.

30. Schedule "sisters" week-end thingy.
      September   Can't remember for sure

34. Update the church calendar
    music schedule
      nursery schedule
      bible reading schedule

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