Thursday, December 22, 2011

Over Christmas Break I am....


  1. Going to finish my library (librarything)
  2. Going to do another school schedule - after reading "The Core" 
  3. Going to do a different chore sheet - time to reshuffle the chores
  4. Going to make some hot chocolate, and bread.
  5. Going to do laundry and work on a system... we need a system.
  6. Oh and going to make some laundry soap.
  7. Going to update blogs (school and family).
  8. Going to work on Scentsy Bring Back my Bar sales.
  9. Going to start my 1,000 gifts list.
  10. going to sort through my e-mails again, and this time unsubscribe from all junk mail!  This is taking days.  Crazy!
Not necessarily in that order.

* Funny story about the hot chocolate.  I had a helper volunteer to do this job... they accidently put in 1 CUP of salt, instead of 1 TABLESPOON of salt.    Ehh...  LOL  So - we are done with that - and probably will throw it away.  We'd have to increase the batch by a WHOLE LOT in order to save it... and then one of my friends figured it would probably last me about 6 years.  Ü  So... we'll drink warm tea instead.  (Ironically - I got them all packages of cocoa mix in their stockings - isn't God good?)  

** VERY COOL!  There is an app for the 1000 gifts list!  I've got it started on my Galaxy Tablet.  Woo Hoo... 

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