Thursday, July 19, 2007

Pitiful Pump

Well -- I said I would keep you updated on the pump. Well -- I have got a BLACK thumb, I tell you. Either that or CHILDREN. Or maybe PETS!

That's a Gerbera in the pot on the pump. It did have pretty yellow blooms -- while they lasted. Actually -- there aren't any holes in the bottom of the pot... so I think it gets TOO wet. See how the leaves are sort of yellowish. Now they just clash with the yellow pump.

Then the Echinacia down there... there used to be 2. I was going for that symetrical look. I started them from bare roots plants -- that I got from a catalog int he mail. So they won't be so great until next year... I'm hoping. Yeah -- I said plantS. One got weed eaten. Today I noticed it has re-appeared. Ever so small... but it's there... hardy thing. It got WHACKED -- but it's not dead. Whew... Now I'm going for lopsided. :/

Then those long strangley things in the back... I've seen the big black cat ZIP... zip right through those. He winds around them -- maybe they scratch his back or something. But once he lost his ZIP and plopped right down on them. He's got the run of the ENTIRE yard and he plops down on my plants. What's his problem?

And the Sweet William. Do you see any? I don't... I thought maybe since I planted them from seeds -- I don't recognize them. But I'm pretty sure they didn't come up at all. Some seeds.

What ever is to blame... the plants by the pump look worse today then they do in the photo. **sigh** Maybe I'll take up beautifying the place when I'm 50. We'll see.
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