Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What will your FB Status Updates be for the year 2017?

Let's see - in 2017 - I will be 47 years old. 

I will have a 22 year old girl, 18 year old boy, 16 year old girl, 14 year old girl, and a 12 year old boy.

So - that will somewhat influence my updates.  Here goes:

Welcome 2017 - I look forward to the year where all my offspring will be teenagers or above. 

Valentines Day this year will be filled with lovey dovey stuff times 5... oh my.

Last year of 6th grade - I won't be an elementary school mom much longer.

Should 47 year olds be trying to keep up with 14 year olds? 

Went shopping with a 18 and 16 year old boy today.  I'm ready for a foot rub.

When did my grocery bill for the month grow to 4 figures?

(Will I be posting about a wedding?  I'm not even going to go there ack!)

GRADUATION!!  Finally!  Woo Hoo!!

2 down, 3 to go.

Pass me the cookies. (I'll always love cookies - no matter what year it is)

Even so Lord Jesus COME!

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