Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost

Today my parents are here -- we are going to have dinner at 2:00. My dad is going to pick up a friend and his daughter, so we will have guests. I don't know them, but am looking forward to meeting 2 new people today.

I've got my list ready --
Turkey into the oven at 9:45 a.m. (I'd better get a move on!)
Rolls - store bought
Lettuce Salad
Sweet Potatoes - got my recipe printed
Mashed Potatoes - going to add real butter YUM!
Corn - going into the slow cooker
Pickles - chilled already
Stuffing- must I? ugh...
I've even written down the extras so I won't forget them.
Sweet tea-chilled
Salad Dressing

Pie and Ice cream for dessert. Got my pies from COSTCO this year. Woo Hoo!

I'm going to use the slow cooker for corn and probably my smoky links. I'm going to set the little wieners out on the counter so people can snack on them before dinner -- we are going to have a cold cereal breakfast, then not eat until 2:00... so some of my kiddos will be begging for snacks... around noon I'll let them eats the sausages.

It snowed here last night. So it is beautiful outside! I'd love to be able to get a family photo outside. We'll see about that.

I've already stoked the fire -- so we are nice an toasty in here.

I praise God for a nation that still stops and gives thanks for all the many blessings He has bestowed upon us!
I praise God for a dear husband that provides so well for his family. Lovingly giving and giving! Yesterday he scooped manure on my garden, so I can get out there this spring and play in the dirt and have it be more productive this time around. Thank you DAN!
I thank God for my wonderful children. They are so fun to be around. They are really cherishing their time with Grandma and Popop (as Wayne calls them both).
I praise God for my parents -- they have spent so much time and effort raising me -- I pray I can repay then even the slightest bit by raising my kiddos to love and honor them. Where would I be with out my godly parents? Heavens only knows.

I pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

May God bless You Mightly today!

1 comment:

  1. I do hope you had a blessed day! We do indeed have TONS to be thankful for.
    We had a WONDERFUL cold day (don't get a lot of cold turkey days around here) with our family. LOVED it! Now I am heading to bed with one of my biggest joys and blessings - dear sweet husband!


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